Month: July 2018

The Age of the Drones

The Age of the Drones

  • These are a few samples of Drone movies. I’m just getting started. I didn’t take these. The quality isn’t as good when it’s live. Once I start getting my editing software I will start posting some shot clips. Since this is 4k video from the Mavic Air the video size are in the gigabits. I will stat putting links to U-Tube once I get that far.



Sitka, Alaska

Sitka, Alaska

This is from when I worked at Silver Bay Seafood’s in Sika Alaska. I was in charge of running the Ammonia Refrigeration plant. The design really sucked so it took a lot of work to keep it running. There was about 2600 tons of refrigeration. All we did was Salmon. This was the first time I had fresh Salmon right out of the ocean. It’s unbelievable. Nothing like it. The bears have it right. The crap you get out of the stores can never compare with fresh Salmon.  Click on the link below to check out the pics.

Hello World Again!

Hello World Again!

Finally got back to updating my website. I was kidnapped and held hostage in Bagdad. I finally escaped and I’m back in the USA. I’ve got a drone now. Mavic Air. I’ll try and post some video. Might be to big, but I will stream it live on U-Tube