Hello World and fellow Time Traveler
This is my first post on my new improved Website. I still have the link to the old Image Dream. My new site though is going to be far more improved. I need to learn Word Press. I’m going to put lots of Multi-Media stuff on this new and improved site. There is lots of new things going on in my life. I’m starting a franchise which details will come later. I’m hoping to help out the Veteran’s in a great way. Here in Arizona The VA hospital is so screwed up.
As I predicted when I was over in Iraq, it was going to go back to the terrorists. When Sadam was in control, even though he was a brutal dictator, he kept his country under control. Now with ISIS it’s total madness. I feel for the people of Iraq. What a waste of time, money and the many soldiers that were killed for nothing. We invaded the wrong country. We should have put all our efforts into Afghanistan and left Iraq alone.
Well enough for now. Fred out.